A new compute paradigm
unleashing the AI Economy

Verifiable Computation + Intents

Saline Network

Saline Network

Verifiable Computation

/ˈvɛrɪfʌɪəbl/ /kəmˈpjuːt/

Off-chain computation with verifiable on-chain results.




Users declare their desired outcomes and delegate execution to a protocol.


Verification Network

/ˈdʒɛn(ə)rəl/ˌvɛrɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ ˈnɛtwəːk/

An L1 capable of verifying any outcome set by a user: A new compute paradigm. 

Saline redefines the AI economy with an automated execution layer that secures assets through user-defined intent rules.

AI Safeguard

Unified liquidity, 30,000x cost savings, advanced features, and effortless multi-chain scaling—all powered by Saline's intent-based system.

THe perfect dex backend

Saline enables trustless cross-chain settlements, wallet-based perpetuals, and drag-and-drop options—seamless, secure, simple and no custody risk


A New compute paradigm

Users no longer execute transactions via applications.

They declare intents to achieve outcomes.

    • Complex smart contract codes are replaced with Intent (logic). Eg. N out of M signing rule is 2 lines of intent vs 500+ lines of Solidity code

    • Enabling cross L1s intent with multi-chain awareness built in.

  • Develop programs off-chain in your preferred language, ensuring scalability while maintaining on-chain verification. Enabling cost-effective program development and transactions

  • Users have the freedom to define their asset rules, such as

    • signing

    • crypto dusting

    • lending rule

    • creating index fund and liquidity pool

    • condition based trading

    and much more. All through our simple no code Intent UI

